Fullstack Software Developer, San Fransisco

Blog rendering test

February 15, 2020
Blog Rendering Test Renders .md file with various components. Text rendering Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec id lacus vel turpis venenatis pharetra. Donec porta urna ac hendrerit sodales. Vivamus posuere condimentum…

CRDT Introduction

February 22, 2020
CRDT Introduction Autonomous actors replicate to one another in a lock-free, wait-free, consensus-free manner and still converge to the same consistent state. Strong Eventual Consistency: Over time all actors converge to same state without date loss…

Deploy a docker image on GCP Kubernetes Engine

February 20, 2020
Deploy a docker image on GCP Kubernetes Engine 1. Command line tool setup: Install gcloud command line tool Run gcloud init to login account View current account: gcloud info List accounts that’s been added: gcloud auth list or gcloud config…

Setup HTTPs for Kubernetes

February 22, 2020
Setup HTTPs for kubernetes Register a Domain Name Reserve an External IP address in VPC network->External IP addresses Setting up the managed certificate Create a DNS zone in Cloud DNS Add A record and CNAME Create ingress with HTTPs, select the…

React animation playground

React animation playground

Note: Install React Native

February 27, 2020
Note: React Native Install Install with react-native init npx react-native init MyTestApp If the result is the following error: Replace use_flipper! with use_flipper!({ ‘Flipper-Folly’ => ‘2.3.0’ }) in Podfile, then remove Podfile.lock and run pod…


February 16, 2020
Notes of how to write a blog in this project.

When should we use Gatsby.js?

February 11, 2020
When should we use Gatsby.js? React is great for SPA(Single page application), by using CRA, we can create one in no time, zero configuration. However, SPA renders in browser, if we query the html of the page, the page is not rendered, it's basically…